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Fergieの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Ferguson Jenkins (Chicago Cubs) Success (Fergie Jenkins) - 2017年5月25日
On 5/17/2017, I sent a LOR, SASE, baseball card, and $10.00 to Ferguson Jenkins at : Ferguson Jenkins PMB #430 3655 W. Anthem Way, Suite A-109 Anthem, AZ 85086 On 5/25/2017, I received my baseball card back autographed.

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Fergie Jenkins MLB HOF Success - 2017年4月30日
Sent LOR, SASE, TC and $15 check to The Fergie Jenkins Foundation to: Mr. Ferguson Jenkins, CM 41913 N. Signal Hill Ct. Phoenix, AZ 85086 Received my card back signed and personalized, and he wrote a note on the bottom of my letter. Sent: 4/17/17 Received: 4/29/17 Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with

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MLB Fergie Jenkins Success - 2016年12月11日
Sent a LOR, SASE, $20, and TC to : Mr. Ferguson Jenkins c/o Fergie Jenkins Foundation P.O. Box 664 Lewistown, NY 14092-0664 Sent : 11/9/16 Received : 12/10/16

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Fergie Jenkins SUCCESS! - 2014年6月4日
Sent letter SASE $25 and ball on 5/24 received signed and inscribed "HoF 91" today! Uploaded with Address Mr. Fergie Jenkins c/o Foundation PO Box 664 Lewiston, NY 14092-0664

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Fergie Jenkins success - 2013年5月10日
On April 23 I sent a Rawlings OMLB, 20 dollars, SASE and LOR to Fergie Jenkins and got the ball back nicely signed on the sweet spot with his HOF inscription on May 9th. Really happy with it and how fast I got it back. Address used: Mr. Fergie Jenkins 165 Portage Rd. Lewiston, NY 14092

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!



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