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Francis Ford Coppolaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 6ページ):

Francis Ford Coppola success - 2021年4月3日
Sent Oct 8 2020. Received April 3 2021 300 Via Archimedes Geyserville, CA 95441-9325 http://surfmypictures.com/image/82e14640d8ee2d57/vul10.html

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Francis Ford Coppola Success - 2020年11月15日
Mailed photo with LOR and SASE on 5/30/20 to 'Francis Ford Coppola, Francis Ford Coppola Presents, LLC 300 Via Archimedes Geyserville, CA 95441-9325' and received it back, signed and personalized, on 10/19/20. http://surfmypictures.com/image/8b0900b85f81bc45/jyxsq.html

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Francis Ford Coppola success - 2017年11月20日
Sent: 7.5.17 Received: 11.18.17 Address: Francis Ford Coppola Francis Ford Coppola Presents, LLC 300 Via Archimedes Geyserville, CA 95441-9325 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Francis Ford Coppola SUCCESS! - 2016年12月12日
I sent a letter, SASE, and photo on October 13th and today I received it back signed! Address used: Mr. Francis Ford Coppola Francis Ford Coppola Presents, Llc. 300 Via Archimedes Geyserville, CA 95441-9325 Took a few tries but I'm glad to finally add this legendary director to my collection!

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Francis Ford Coppola RTS :( ??? - 2016年4月3日
hello, I sent a letter, SASE, and a cover dvd mid december 2015 and I received a RTS on Febr 2016. I used the address in the database. 620 Air Park Road Napa, CA 94558 .... Anyone have an updated address? thank you for your help! Matteo here a scan of my rts <img src= Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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