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Gallagherの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

" RAVEN " - John Gallagher - 2022年6月26日
I have send e-mail : My Site : htpp://helen-autographs.narod.ru M

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MLB Shawn Gallagher Success - 2022年6月5日
Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to: Shawn Gallagher 19247 Coton Holdings Ct Leesburg, VA 20176-3867 Sent: 5/27/22 Received: 6/5/22 Wrote a different address on the SASE.

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Noel Gallagher - 2022年1月12日
I wrote to Noel Gallagher in August 2021 at the address: Ignition Management 54 Linhope Street London NW1 6HL UK But needless to say, I got my letter and cd booklets back on 12 January 2022 unsigned. He won't sign autographs through the mail, and he even mentioned in an interview that he doesn't read any fan mail he gets.

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18th Chancellor Patrick D. Gallagher of the University of Pittsburgh - 2019年9月7日
Patrick D. Gallagher served in the Obama Administration as 14th Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology from 2009-2014 and in August 2014 he became the 18th Chancellor of University of Pittsburg. On 2/12/2019 I mailed him a letter explaining how I find his work to be very inspiring to me at: Chancellor Patrick D. Gallagher c/o Office of the Chancellor University of Pittsburgh 4200 5th Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (took about 8 months) On 9/06/2019 I received a nice letter from him Here is the link:

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Dave Gallagher (fmr Bears DE) success x2 - 2017年5月26日
sent him 2 TCs on 5-19-17 & got them back signed today, 5-26-17. Here's the addy I used: 6105 Horizon Dr. Columbus, OH. 47201

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