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Gallagherの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Liam Gallagher success - 2015年10月30日
I sent a letter and SAE to Liam on: 30th January 2015, and the end of July 2015, I recieved my letter back signed and personalized at the bottom. plus they used their own envelope, and mine wasn't returned. address I used was: Liam Gallagher, 54, Linhope Street, London NW1 6HL Here is the pic:

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PJ Gallagher Success :) - 2013年2月6日
Heey <img src= Today I received PJ Gallagher's autograph, Sent him an LOR, SASE & Photo November 20th 2012 Received my photo back signed today in my SASE. <img src= Address used, PJ Gallagher, Lisa Richards Agency, 108 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4. Photo - Envelope -

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PJ Gallagher - Irish Comedy Star - Success! - 2012年8月1日
PJ Gallagher is an Irish television star and comedy performer. He first came to prominence as one of the stars of Naked Camera, a hidden camera show made by Ireland's RTÉ. He is best known for creating the characters "The Dirty Aul' Wan" and "Jake Stevens". He also appeared in an episode of A Scare At Bedtime in which he played a dodgy taxi driver with a bad mouth and a disrespect for tourists. His character "Jake Stevens" will be appearing on his own show which will air soon on England's Channel 4. Sent Mr. Gallagher 1 LOR, SASE and photo on 25/07/2012. On 30/07/2012 I received my photo signed along with short letter. Address used was: PJ Gallagher c/o The Lisa Richards Agency 108 Upper Leeson Street Dublin 4 Sorry no scanner.

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