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George H. W. Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

Former Pres. George H. W. Bush failure - 2014年3月13日
Sent book and LOR . Received the book back unsigned and the note - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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George H. W. Bush Success - 2014年2月6日
I emailed the Bush Presidential Library and was in contact with Bicker Cain Product Development / Protocol George Bush Presidential Library Foundation Museum Store. He was telling me how hard it is to get authentic signatures from the president. He had a few from this summer, I got a great deal on a bookplate from President Bush & Mrs Bush. Received Feb 3 and contacted them on January 27. The autograph is too shaky to be autopen. http://instagram.com/p/kDzv9TmxTW/

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George H. W. Bush Success!!!!!! - 2013年8月7日
I received it 2 days ago , it took about a week and a half to get here. Inside was a bio paper, a note from his secretary, and an autographed picture. I don't think it is autopen. It was an amazing success, sorry no scanner. I used the main addy in the db.

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George H. W. Bush Authentic Success - 2013年3月7日
I got this a while back, It took about two months came with a nice note and a signed photo. I did not send the photo he sent it. I used the address in the database. Opinions welcome <img src= Note: - Envelope: - Autograph Close Up: - Photo: -

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George H. W. Bush SUCCESS! - 2012年7月21日
On 4/9/12, I wrote former US President George H.W. Bush, expressing my thoughts on his single term in office, and also made an of him and his wife, Barbara autograph request with an SSAE and a 3x5 card for signing. Got his reply today, 7/21/12, but it wasn't my 3x5 card returned. In its' place was a color 8x10 of him and his wife Barbara and was inscribed "To Pat Cross with Best Wishes," and was authentically signed by George Bush. Address used was in the fanmail.biz database and is below. President George H.W. Bush c/o The Office of George Bush 10000 Memorial Drive, ste. 900 Houston, TX 77024

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