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George H. W. Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

@^_^@ President George H. W. Bush and the former First Lady - 2012年2月12日
Hi guys, I sent out a LOR, three 8x10 photographs, and SASE to President George H. W. Bush and the former First Lady Barbara Bush on Jan 3rd, 2011 via a private address where is not in TX. I received my SASE back on Feb 11th, 2012. The stamps were cancelled in TX. I think the mail was forwarded to his office. Two of them are signed (autopened) and personalized. I looked at my name. They looked exact same on both photos. Besides, there is a dot at the end of each line. I thought "OMG! The secretary or whoever worked on this also autopened my name?" lol Well, they are not exact same though after I took a good look. The silver pen used on President Bush's photo is not good at all. It was smeared pretty bad. I had to clean up before taking this photo. The third photo is a photo of President Bush and Barbara Bush, which is back unsigned. Well, at lease I got something back. Thanks for checking this post.

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George H. W. Bush Senior success - 2011年11月27日
I sent a photo, Sase and Lor on 10-26-2011 to the address in the database. I got it back signed last week but the autograph got smeared bad. Its still a nice success but Im gonna send another off soon. This is my 4th president I got this year only need Obama and thats gonna take awhile. http://img6.imageshack.us/i/imagetjv.jpg/ http://img844.imageshack.us/i/imagelcbh.jpg/ http://img141.imageshack.us/i/imagedep.jpg/

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