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Gordon Ramsayの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 9ページ):

Gordon Ramsay Success - 2017年6月7日
Sent LOR, SAE with $2, and 2 photos to address in database on 5/19/2017, received photos back today unsigned but they included their own signed photo and the standard letter. The signature looks similar to the previous posted success but in a different spot, so I'm thinking it's real. Comments on authenticity welcome, but please use constructive criticism. Gordon Ramsay Gordon Ramsay Holdings 539-547 Wandsworth Road London SW8 3JD UK

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Gordon Ramsay partial success - 2017年5月16日
Sent two photos and LOR to database address, received both my photos back unsigned and presigned photo and letter (since it was presigned and not a preprint I still consider this a success even though he didn't sign the ones I sent)

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Gordon Ramsay Success - 2017年3月7日
Sent fan mail on Feb 20th and received an autographed photo and nice thank you for being a fan letter on March 7th. Address used: Gordon Ramsay Holdings, 539-547 Wandsworth Road, London, SW8 3JD England. Just FYI: For all international mail you need 3 US postage stamps.

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Gordon Ramsay Success - 2016年11月2日
Sent: LOR, SASE and US currency for return postage on 8/10/16 Received: Photo signed and letter from GR Holdings on 11/02/16 Address used: Gordon Ramsay Gordon Ramsay Holdings 539-547 Wandsworth Rd London SW83JD FYI....this was my third attempt for Gordon Ramsay's autograph. Each previous attempt had been met with a polite response stating Gordaon Was to busy to respond.

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Gordon Ramsay success - 2016年7月22日
Used database address Gordon Ramsay Holdings 539-547 Wandsworth Rd London SW83JD received fri 22nd july

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