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Gordon Ramsayの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 9ページ):

Gordon Ramsay success!! - 2013年1月8日
Sent him an email http://www.gordonramsay.com/ on December. Received an autograph and a letter today. Autograph: - Envelope: -

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Gordon Ramsay Email success - 2012年11月9日
Sent an email to http://www.gordonramsay.com/corporate/g ... keting.jsp i sent it about 3 weeks ago and got this today 11/09/12 -

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Gordon Ramsay Email Success! - 2012年11月8日
Hello, I sent an email off (via contact page) on the 20th October and on the 8th November recieved a letter and signed photo from Gordon Ramsey Holdings (the letter was done by Junior Assistant to Gordon Ramsey, Lucy Cairney) (18 Days) By the way, if you want the address to send a request off to instead of waiting it is: Gordon Ramsey Holdings 1 Catherine Place London SW1E 6DX Envelope: - Letter: - Signed Photo: - Thanks for Viewing Comments are Welcome Samuel [uk<!-- s[uk -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src=

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Hello, Ive sent LOR, SASE, 1 photo and 1 IRC to Gordon Ramsay Holdings 1 Catherine Place London SW1E 6DX UK Ive been waiting less than a month. Ive recived my photo signed and a letter from secretary. Ive also recived my sase back (letter in GRHs envelope) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/list005.jpg/.

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Gordon Ramsay Email Success! - 2012年10月6日
Hi! I sent an email to Gordons restaurant http://www.gordonramsay.com/corporate/g ... keting.jsp asking for a signed picture and about 2 weeks later I received one in the post! All comments are welcome! picture with envelope - picture on its own -

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