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Harry Dean Stantonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 5ページ):

Harry Dean Stanton Success - 2017年1月15日
I received my photo signed by Harry Dean Stanton, who was in a couple of my favorite movies, Christine and Repo Man. It’s ridiculous how many good movies he’s been a part of: Cool Hand Luke, The Godfather Part II, Alien, Escape From New York, Pretty in Pink, The Green Mile just to name a few. He did initially sign with a thin sharpie but then re-signed with a better sharpie. Sent: 11/21/16 Received: 1/13/17 Sent to: Mr. Harry Dean Stanton 14527 Mulholland Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-1713

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Harry Dean Stanton - Success - 2016年8月21日
Request Sent - 4/28/2016 Received - 8/20/2016 Harry Dean Stanton 14527 Mulholland Drive Los Angeles, CA 90077-1713 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/324a6f4 ... btqb0.html

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Harry Dean Stanton Success - 2016年8月2日
On 6-6-16, I sent LOR, 8x10 and SASE to: Harry Dean Stanton 14527 Mulholland Drive Los Angeles, CA 90077 On 8-1-16, I received the photo back, which he signed three times. Once, in ball point pen, then, with a gold(?) Sharpie, which was very faint, and then with another copper Sharpie, somewhat on top (but off-center) of the other signature. A bit curious, but happy to add him to the collection.

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Harry Dean Stanton Success!! - 2015年12月11日
on 11/10/15 I mailed out a LOR, Envelope with pre paid postage, and one dvd cover of Escape From NY previously signed by Adrienne Barbeau to Mr. Harry Dean Stanton via his home address in California. On 12/7/15 I received by cover back signed along with a additional photo he provided. He signed by dvd cover twice. Oh well lol.. Any thoughts on if getting Kurt Russell signature ttm is possible and if it will be aunthentic. Most on here say his responses are not. Envelope: Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Photos: Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Harry Dean Stanton - Success !!! - 2015年9月22日
Sent a letter, SASE and 3 photos to Harry Dean Stanton on August 8th, received back 22nd September! Address used in database! Envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/c8d0ec9 ... on2d3.html Autographs: http://surfmypictures.com/image/c8d0ec9 ... 9qqib.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/c8d0ec9 ... 0vqki.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/c8d0ec9 ... ji8ew.html

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