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Harry Dean Stantonの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Harry Dean Stanton success - 2012年7月6日
He signed a custom card for my son and then also signed 2 plain 3x5 cards. Mailed 6/9/12...Recv.7/6/12 Mailed to:14527 Mulholland Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90077 -

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Harry Dean Stanton Success - 2012年3月18日
Sent Harry a letter,$3 for postage & sae to the address in the database.Received all 3 signed. Pretty stoked bout this one as Repo Man & Wild at Heart are 2 of my Favourite films.Love how he wrote Gday on one of the pics as well.He also signed one of the pics twice ?? Sent..28.12.11 Received..13.3.12 Photo 1..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/710/hds3z.jpg/ Photo 2..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/hds2.jpg/ Photo 3..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/138/hds1.jpg/ No Envelope.

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Harry Dean Stanton Success - 2011年12月22日
I sent Harry a fan letter, an 8x10, and a SASE to: Harry Dean Stanton 14527 Mulholland Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077 I received the photo back signed about tha month later. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/812/harryds.jpg/

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Harry Dean Stanton - 2011年12月13日
Send on 26/09/11 LOR , SASE and 2 photos . On 13/12/11 I recived my photos signed and dedicated <img src= <img src= Used address in database ! photo 1 : http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/4650 ... n0006q.jpg photo 2 : http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/1199/scannen0005ac.jpg

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LEGEND Harry Dean Stanton (HORROR MOVIE ALIEN) SUCCESS!!! - 2011年12月8日
Stanton, Harry Dean Success (90 Days) 2011/09/08 2011/12/07 14527 Mulholland Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90077 USA >> 3/3 Signed [/color [youtubeNC4IOjYyOIs[/youtube

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