Helen McCroryの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 8ページ):
Helen Mccrory Success - 2012年8月26日 Helen Mccrory
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
Sent around February and received now in August. She autographed my pic and wrote me a letter. So amazing of her.
I don't have a working scanner atm to post the pic. |
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Helen McCrory(HarryPotter) success - 2012年8月22日 Helen Mccrory
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
Sent?Pic and SAE
Receive: Not my Pic in my SAE
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Helen McCrory (Harry Potter) Success - 2012年8月21日 I sent LOR, SAE, photo and card. Received my photo and card signed in my SAE.
She wrote "Happy Birthday" on a card in Russian!
Sent: 22 November 2011
Received: 21 August 2012
Address used:
Helen McCrory
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
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Helen McCrory - Success - 2012年8月16日 Hi,
I sent: a letter, SASE, photo - 20.03. 2012
And received: another signed and dedicated photo in my envelope - 8.08. 2012
I used this address:
Helen Mccrory
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
Thanks to Helen and fanmail.biz
MY AUTOGRAPHS: https://www.facebook.com/lucie.manasova.9/photos_stream
MY WEB: http://superstarkonvickova.blog.cz/ |   |
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Helen McCrory (Harry Potter) personalised success! - 2012年8月15日 I was surprised to find this letter in my mailbox
Shes one of my favourite characters in "Harry Potter".
She signed and personalised my photo and added a second photo by herself!
Very happy with this success as her photo looks better than the one I sent!   |
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