Helen McCroryの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):
Helen McCrory success - 2012年3月14日 Today I got two autographs from Helen McCrory. I met her at the Deathly Hallows part 2 premiere in London last year but I couldnt resist to send her a request. She was so nice at the premiere and she is a great actress, too!
Sent: 08. December 2011
What: LOR, SASE, 2 Pictures
Received: 14. March 2012
What: One of my photos signed and personalized and one of her own photos (also signed and personalized  its the one on the right). I didnt get my second photo back. It was a promo pic of the sixth movie and she sent a promo pic of the seventh/eigth movie. But I like this very much, too!
Photos & envelope:
I used the address in the Database:
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Helen McCrory RTS..... - 2012年2月21日 So I got my first RTS in awhile today, this one from Helen McCrory who plays Mrs. Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. I'm actually not sure what happened here or why it took nearly 5 months to return. The address was crossed out and a new address on a sticker was stuck over it. Then there's some writing and other markings on the emvelope, which I dont really understand. I think it might have ment she moved agencies and it was ment to be forwarded to the new address, but someone in the UK didnt pay the additional forwarding postage so it was returned to me. Anyone with more experience with the British Post Office that can clear this up for me would be helpful!
Here's the pic:
Sent: 10/5/11
Received: 2/21/12
I had used the Address in the database, which was:
Helen Mccrory
Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd.
8-12 Broadwick Street
3rd Floor
London W1F 8HW
Her new address:
Helen Mccrory
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
UK |
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Helen McCrory forgot that she already had replied! Success^^ - 2012年1月9日 So this was unexpected. I received my reply from her in November and I havent sent any requests to her before/after that date, so I assume that my letter was left on her desk and she kindly decided to send me another reply (not knowing that she already had done it once)^^
So now Ive got three autographs from her! Neat
Here are the ones I received in November:
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Helen McCrory Amazing Success! + card and handwritten letter - 2011年11月14日 About 2/3 months ago I sent a LOR and SASE to Helen McCrory and today I received a signed, personalised photo and a thank you card with a letter inside! This is one of my favourite successes ever! I will read out the writing incase you cant read it:
*envelope of card*
"Keep the cards for the Scots only.. my Father would kill me if I didnt reply properly to a Scot!"
*inside card*
"Dear Daniel, Thank-you for your letter, youve been on the Hogwarts ride? Excellent, Ive never been over Florida way but I hear the whole park is quite amazing! I shall save it till my children are a little older and take them for a treat (avoiding pumpkin juice at all cost.) A photo for your collection, Take Care, Helen McCrory."
Wow what a nice person. The reason she says about avoiding the pumpkin juice is because I told her its disgusting! lol! I used the address in the database and the photos are below. And remember, if youre Scottish, you MUST send Helen a letter!!       |
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Helen McCrory (Harry Potter) success! - 2011年11月14日 Sent a: LOR, SASE and one picture on September 16th
Today on November 14th I received my photo in my SASE along with an additional photo, both of them personalised to me^^
Heres the address I used:
Helen Mccrory
Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd.
8-12 Broadwick Street
3rd Floor
London W1F 8HW
Really pleased with my success
The photo I sent and received:
The photo I received:
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