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Ickey Woodsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

NFL - Ickey Woods Success - 2024年9月2日
Sent 8x10 and $5 to address below on 5/4/24 and received it back signed on 8/10/24. 505 E Sharon Rd, # A. Cincinnati, OH 45246-4726

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Ickey Woods (NFL) Success - 2023年7月12日
I wrote to Mr. Woods on 05/18/2023 and received a reply on 07/12/2023 Ickey Woods 505 E Sharon Road # A Cincinnati, OH 45246-4726 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/7d7232317ec829a8/vuls0.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/7d7232317ec829a8/0wi82.html

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NFL Ickey Woods Success - 2016年12月13日
Sent a LOR, SASE, $20, and TC to : Mr. Elbert Woods 505 E Sharon Rd #A Cincinnati, OH 45246-4726 Sent : 11/25/16 Received : 12/12/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/9473495 ... vtui9.html

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Ickey Woods - Success - 2014年8月27日
Sent: 7/7/2014 (2 Cards) Received: 8/22/2014 (2 cards in black sharpie) Turnaround: 46 days Addy: Elbert "Ickey" Woods 505 E. Sharon Rd. #A Cincinnati, OH 45246-4726

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Ickey Woods - 2013年10月18日
Sent him 2 trading cards on 10-12 and got them back today. Here's the addy I uesd: Removed

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