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James Earl Jonesの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 19ページ):

James Earl Jones SUCCESS! - 2014年1月9日
Yesterday I returned back home from a long trip and there were a ton of successes in my mailbox <img src= One of them was from Mr. James Earl Jones!! I totally freaked out when I saw it! Sent him a LOR, SAE, IRC & a card 11.11.-13. Pics: - - I used the Horatio Productions addy. <img src= James Earl Jones Horatio Productions Inc. P.O. Box 610 Pawling, NY 12564 USA

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James Earl Jones - Personalized SUCCESS - 2014年1月9日
James Earl Jones Very happy, one of my MOST favourite autographs. Very important one for me!!!!! 2 Dec 2013 8 Jan 2014 James Earl Jones Horatio Productions, Inc. P.O.Box 610 Pawling, New York 12564 USA Authentic Personalized - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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James Earl Jones Failure - 2013年9月18日
Sent SASE 2 Pics and a letter to mr Jones and got this response back in my SASE with my pics inside. Used the Address in the Data Base -

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2nd James Earl Jones fail - 2013年9月17日
[color=#BF0040I mailed to James Earl Jones back in June and received a reply in July that he was too busy to sign, but they at least sent my photo back to me. Well, then I started seeing a bunch of people getting successes from his Pawling, NY address so I decided to try again. I send my 2nd request in August and just received the photo back....again.....with a note saying that he's too busy to sign. I heard that he's actually doing a play or something in the U.K.....is that correct?? Also, could it be because I'm sending a photo of Darth Vader instead of a photo of James Earl Jones himself? I can't imagine that it would make a difference to him since he did do the voiceover, but maybe he's touchy about anything Star Wars (much like Harrison Ford). Ahhhh oh well. At least they used my SASE to mail me back my photo. I wish more people did that even if they aren't going to bother to sign (photos can get expensive!). I may try a 3rd time, but for now I'm frustrated enough to just hold off for a bit.[/color

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James Earl Jones Success! - 2013年9月11日
Totally shocked for this one. I sent a SASE and a very nice letter to Mr. Jones on 7/31 and got it back 9/11. Very nice turnaround. I didnt have a picture to send him, so I was a little worried, but they sent me back a very nice one and paid the extra postage because its a heavier picture. Very awesome of them. My first thought was PP, but I looked close and theres some fading around the end of the J and it looks authentic. - and the signature - Sent to the addy in the DB. Comments on authenticity are welcome.

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