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James Earl Jonesの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 19ページ):

James Earl Jones PRE-SIGNED SUCCESS? Opinions.... - 2013年6月11日
So I have seen some recent failures with Jones and a lot of them didnt include a signed photo, just a note. Anyways, I sent an 8x10 on 5-7-13 and received a letter, 4x6 signature on 6-10-13. The Signature definitely looks real and there is even a slight smudge from the marker. Any opinions???? Here is the pic.... - The letter.... - Envelope..... - I used the address in the database. Please give any opinion.

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James Earl Jones - Failure - 2013年5月18日
Sent on 1/14/13: SASE, LOR, photo to: James Earl Jones Horatio Productions Inc. P.O. Box 610 Pawling, NY 12564 Received on 5/18/13: photo returned in SASE with note apologizing he can not sign due to his busy schedule. - Sucks to wait this long just to get denied. Oh well <img src=

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James Earl Jones success? - 2012年12月12日
I sent a letter, photo and SASE on June 15th and received signed photo on Nov 21st. Someone let me know if authentic. The address I used was: JAMES EARL JONES C/O HORATIO PRODUCTIONS INC. P.O. BOX 610 PAWLING, NY 12564 -

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James Earl Jones Success!! - 2012年8月16日
I sent out my LOR, SASE, and 2 photos about a month ago. Today I received my 2 photos signed in my SASE. I used an address in NY. So excited about these! picture - picture - envelope -

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James Earl Jones Success - 2012年1月8日
Sent LOR to address in database on 10-10-2011. Received a photo back signed on 1-7-2012. -

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