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James Mayの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

James May Autograph (Success) - 2012年4月14日
SENT: Thursday 12th April 2012 RECEIVED: Saturday 14th April 2012 ITEMS SENT: LOR, SASE ITEMS RECEIVED: My SASE and James May Autograph STORY: I sent an email to the agency on the Fanmail.biz database asking how I would get a signed autograph from James May. I was then told to send an SAE to the agency and they would send me a signed picture. ADDRESS USED: James May Arlington Enterprises Ltd. 1-3 Charlotte Street London W1T 1RD UK AUTOGRAPH: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/3122/dsc02241ns.jpg Nathan96 <img src=

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James May Success! - 2012年4月7日
Sent: 2nd April 2012 Recevied: 7th April 2012 Took: 5 Days! Address Used: James May Arlington Enterprises Ltd. 1-3 Charlotte Street London W1T 1RD UK I sent a LOR and SAE to his agency on Monday, today I got back my SAE with a signed 4x6 card of him. Very happy! It is most definatley authentic. Autograph: http://i.imgur.com/nfNdZ.jpg Envelope: http://i.imgur.com/FWeKC.jpg

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james may (Top Gear) very fast EMAIL success! - 2012年4月6日
this actually is my first success since i started collecting autographs. i sended him a email the 3 of april 2012 and it arrived today. it took 3 days. so it was a very fast success! autograph : http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s40 ... 152310.jpg envelope: http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s40 ... 432611.png can somebody please tell me if it is authentic? or is it a pp? ---------- recent successes : james may, snooki, Allen Leech recently sent out: hugh bonneville, laura carmichael, maggie smith, jessica brown findlay, Nikki Reed, Cate Blanchett, Joanne Froggatt. http://downtonclaireautographs.webs.com

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James May SUCCESS! - 2012年2月18日
Sent a letter + photo on February 13th and recieved a signed photo (not the one i sent) on February 18th. I used his agency address in the database. Photo: - Can post Envelope if needed

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James May Success! - 2011年9月17日
I sent a letter to James May on 21/07/2011 and recived it back on 23/07/2011. Very quick response. Here's the address I used: James May, Arlington Enterprises Ltd. 1-3 Charlotte Street, London, W1T 1RT Hope this helps!

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