Jay Leno success - via website - 2012年2月28日 Sent feedback and autograph request in December 2011 through his NBC Tonight Show website.
Received photo in the mail on 20/2/2012
My first email success and first success ever
Link to photo and envelope:
Jay Leno Autograph Success! - 2012年2月22日 Hi guys, I sent an email to:
I sent the email probably on Friday, 17 Feb 2012. And on Monday, around the 20 Feb 2012, I got it back in my mailbox. This was extremely fast, especially since I live in Singapore. Thanks Jay!
He is extremely nice to his fans!
The personalised auto:
Jay Leno Sucess (great personalized response) - 2012年2月16日 I wrote to Jay Leno via the Tonight Show website http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/contact/?__source=tnt|nav|about|contact and requested an autograph. Around a month and a half later, I received a personalized response from Jay. In my letter to him, I noted that I like when he reviews the strange things that pop up in police blotters in newspapers around the country. I let him know that I work in law enforcement and see much of what he describes first hand and appreciate the opportunity to get a laugh out of it when watching the Tonight Show. Jay acknowledged that portion of the letter when he thanked me for my service on the autograph. I am very happy to get this from him!
Autograph - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/80 ... os060.jpg/
Envelope - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69 ... os059.jpg/