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Jay Lenoの直筆サイン入り写真 (18 / 21ページ):

Jay Leno, David Dorfman success plus a surprise - 2012年1月22日
back in november i had sent letters and a self addresed envelope to MR Lenno & Mr. Dorfman. and this past week i received both pixs i sent back personally sighed i am happy. to meake things even better back in september i had sent a letter and a photo to MR. Erik Per Sullivan, and back in october i had already recived both the pic i sent adn a bonus pic sighned. well on tuesday this past week i received a 3rd personal signed phot from him. I am happy camper all the addressed i used i got from THIS data base. thanks fanmail.biz you guys continue to rock! i will post the pic sof these and other i have gotten once my scanner is set up. thanks again Sean S.

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Jay Leno E-Mail Success! - 2011年11月15日
On 10/11/2011 I sent an E-mail autograph request to Mr. Jay Leno of the Tonight Show. I sent the Email through the Tonight Show site. Today, 11/14/2011, I received a signed 8x10 signed by Jay. Here is the link to my video: [youtubeq5CetZ5vEBw[/youtube

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Jay Leno Success - 2011年10月27日
Back in September (2011), I emailed Jay Leno through his website http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/con ... ut|contact asking for an autograph. I received it in the mail on October 14th, 2011. I watch his show every once in a while, so it was a nice little success. -

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Jay Leno success - 2011年10月21日
Sent 9/2/11 Rec 10/5/11 Sent email via his website http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/con ... ut|contact -

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Jay Leno email success - 2011年10月17日
I sent an email to the one on his website like a few weeks or a month ago probably, and got a picture signed on October 14th. The personalization is pretty stupid but oh well.. - -

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