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John Hurtの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 23ページ):

John Hurt awesome success x3! - 2013年11月2日
On 8/2/13, sent LOR, SASE, and 2 printouts to: John Hurt c/o Julian Belfrage Associates 3rd Floor, 9 Argyll Street London W1F 7TG United Kingdom Not sure if this is outdated or not; I had sent a second request to Independent Talent Group, and my response came back in the first SASE I sent, with the second SASE inserted into my first SASE! Make of that what you will (Im guessing the Julian Belfrage folks forwarded to ITG). Anyhoo, I RCVD both pics today, along with a photo of his own, personalized: Printout 1: - Printout 2: - His photo: - SO thrilled. Great actor and great to his fans!

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John Hurt - Success! - 2013年11月1日
On 8/20/13, I sent: 1 8x10 drawing, LOR, SASE & $ for postage to: Independent Talent Group Ltd. (OLD ADDRESS, HAS SINCE CHANGED) Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK On 10/31/13, I received my picture back signed by this legendary British actor. <img src= -

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John Hurt (HP) ~ Success! - 2013年10月8日
Hey! Sent ~ 30.07.13r [list: [*: 1 PHOTO[/*:m: [*: LOR[/*:m: [*: SAE[/*:m: [*: 1 IRC[/*:m:[/list:u: Wait ~ 07.10.13r [list: [*: My Photo[/*:m:[/list:u: Address Used: Old Address Independent Talent Group Ltd. Scan: - Im disappointed, because I wrote a careful letter and decorate the envelope and got no dedication. Definitely not read the letter. ###://autografy-voodoo.blogspot.com:!~>Welcome to my blog<~!

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John Hurt success-- Harry Potter soon Dr Who - 2013年10月4日
I loved him on Harry Potter but I never thought of sending to him until I saw he would be in the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (which I can not wait) and that was the icing on the cake I was going to send to him. Details.. Sent: SAE, 1 photo, letter on 8th August 2013 Address: Independent Talent Group address Received: My photo signed and personalised in my SAE Today (4th October 2013) Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =3&theater - Sadly it smudged a bit but that doesnt matter.

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John Hurt success - 2013年9月17日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 1 custom card 26.07.2013 Received: our card signed + 2 extra photos signed 13.09.2013 address used: John Hurt Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK new address: Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH UK Photos: http://www.facebook.com/AutografyMatiIPati or http://mati-pati.blogspot.com/2012/08/2 ... -hurt.html Envelope: - Any opinions of authenticity are welcome. Please <img src= our facebook fanpage (if you like it) <img src=

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