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John Hurtの直筆サイン入り写真 (20 / 23ページ):

John Hurt - great success!!!! - 2012年9月5日
Hi there I sent LOR and SASE to John during April 2012 - recieved the signed (dedicated) photo below back on 28th August 2012. Really really pleased as I got a dedication and most of the successes Ive seen on here dont seem to be dedicated. Guess my LORs are hitting the spot!! Used database address. John Hurt Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Cheers -

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John Hurt Success - 2012年9月3日
I sent LOR, two photos and SAE. Received my photos signed in my SAE. Sent: 04 April 2012 Received: 03 September 2012 Address used: John Hurt Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - - -

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John Hurt Success :D - 2012年9月1日
A great success and an amazing actor. Sent 13th July Received 29th August Address used: Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - -

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John Hurt Success!! - 2012年8月31日
Sent: Letter + SASE on 22/7/2012 Received: 29/8/2012 Address used: Independent Talent Group Ltd., Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London W1D 1BS, UK - -

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John Hurt (HP's Ollivander) SUCCESS! - 2012年8月28日
On 4/20/12, I wrote John Hurt, who was Mr. Ollivander in the HP movies series, with a TTM autograph request that included SAE, $2 USD for return postage, and a 3x5 card for signing. Got his reply today, 8/28/12, with my 3x5 signed "John Hurt." Address used is in the fanmail.biz database, and is below. John Hurt c/o Independent Talent Group, Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK

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