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John Travoltaの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 24ページ):

John Travolta Sec or Good? - 2013年6月19日
Sent e-mail through his website http://www.travolta.com/ on April 30th Received signed, personalized photo with an inscription too today! -

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John Travolta - Charity Success. - 2013年6月16日
HELLO, IN 2014 I'M OFF TO RWANDA TO SET UP A SPORTS ACADEMY WHICH IS TARGETED AT THE AFFECTED AND ORPHANED CHILDREN OF THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE OF 1994. THERE WERE OVER 1,000,000 MURDERS IN 100 DAYS AND THAT'S THE REASON I'M DOING THIS, TO GIVE PEOPLE HOPE OF A BETTER TOMORROW. SENT: EMAIL TO WEBSITE RECEIVED: ONE SIGNED PHOTO PHOTO #1: http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y467/reachingrwanda2014/264570_192391587580457_1814781561_n_zpsed1179c9.jpg PLEASE PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT MY FACEBOOK PAGE AND LIKE IT!!! https://www.facebook.com/RwandaAutographCollection before and smart-ass say's anything, yes I'm aware it's a sec and will NOT sell.

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John Travolta 2nd success! - 2013年5月4日
I sent a request on his website on March 26, 2013. I got back a personalized autograph. He wrote on the bottom Keep Smiling! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/getattachmentaspxmxj.jpg/ This is like my 50th time writing this post because this website refuses to work normally. So annoying. The return address is: John Travolta P.O. BOX 3560 Santa Barbara, CA 93130

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John Travolta Success! - 2013年5月3日
I went on his website http://www.travolta.com/ and requested a autograph about 2 weeks ago and today I got a personalized autograph! - The return address is: John Travaolta P.O. Box 3560 Santa Barbara, CA 93130 USA

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Authentic john travolta success - 2013年3月26日
Very pleased with this one. emailed john http://www.travolta.com/ 3 weeks ago and today i got his real sig at last... It matches up with his in person sig... So no sec this time <img src= -

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