John Travoltaの直筆サイン入り写真 (17 / 24ページ):
john travolta success - 2012年4月12日 sent 3/16/12 Recieved 4/12/12
Sent SASE and 1 photo
Recieved 2 photos autographed 1 personalized
Address used:
John Travolta
PO BOX 3560
Santa Barbara, Ca 93130
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John Travolta success ? - 2012年4月5日 Hi,
I send 2 pictures to the address in the databank.
Send on 20th March
arrived 5th April.
The two pictures I send and 2 other autographs.
I know it should be sec...
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John Travolta - 2012年3月30日 Sent a LOR to John Travolta P.O. Box 3560 Santa Barbara CA 93130 and about a week later got 2 signed 8x10 personalized pictures.
It reads "To Mitchell Dreams do come true. Study Hard to succeed" The other just says "To Bill"
Whether they are real or if they are SECs I don't care. I'm happy with what I have. | |
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John Travolta - 2012年3月24日 I sent a LOR a while ago and got an autograph back maybe 2-4 weeks later.
Address used:
John Travolta
P.O. Box 3560
Santa Barbara,CA 93130
Picture: | |
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JOHN TRAVOLTA SUCCESS - 2012年3月14日 Date Send: 06/07/2011
Date Received: 09/01/2012
Sent : 1 photos 10x15
Received : 1 photos SIGNED 18X24 PRE-PRINT !!!!!!!!!!
Have a look here :
John Travolta
P.O. Box 3560
Santa Barbara CA 93130
USA | |
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