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Julie Andrewsの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 8ページ):

Julie Andrews - 2015年5月29日
LOR and SASE sent around 12/30/14. Received back in May '15. Not autographed. Returned my photo, sent a publicity photo and a letter from the fan club rep saying she doesn't autograph anything sent in anymore. Address used: Julie Andrews P.O. Box 491668 Los Angeles, CA 90049-8668

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Julie andrews bad succes - 2014年3月24日
Hello Julie andrews very unhappy with this succes. photo Nothing signed, ... but she sends 1 photo "official" ................... <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> P.O BOX 491668. LOS ANGELES , CA 90049-8668 USA send 29-10-13 received, 12-2-14 thanks fanmail.

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Julie Andrews....Failure - 2013年9月28日
Sent letter, photo, SASE to: Julie Andrews P.O. Box 491668 Los Angeles, CA 90049-8668 USA Sent: July 2/13 Returned: Rec'd note from her secretary Sept.9/13 that she's too elderly & busy to sign

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Julie Andrews Failure - 2013年9月28日
3 years ago I received a success from Julie Andrews and she signed two photos for me, so I decided to try again this year. I sent 2 photos, an SAE and $5 off to the address in the database and today I received the same response everyones been getting lately. My photos were returned along with an unsigned photo and a letter from her assistant. Check out my site: http://www.ryansautographs.weebly.com/ -

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AMAZING Julie Andrews success !!! - 2013年8月9日
I sent a letter to Julie Andrews along with a paper back copy of her book (home) for her to sign, I also included a SAE with $10 to cover the cost of postage, I sent my request on the 24 May 2012 and to much surprise today on the 9th August 2013 i got my reply. i received a hard back First Edition copy of (home) signed and personalised along with a DVD cover of Mary Poppins also signed. She also paid an extra $11 to cover the cost of the postage i sent to Julie Andrews, PO Box 491668, Los Angeles CA 90049-8668 USA - - -

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