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June Forayの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

June Foray Success! - 2012年5月17日
One month ago, I wrote Ms. Foray a LOR and a SASE. I also sent along a picture of Granny from Looney Tunes. She has voiced many things, but I love her from LooneyTunes. Pretty sure this is authentic, let me know what you think. Picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/13/img0001gz.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/imgnewyy.jpg/ I used this address: Address Removed (Does anyone know why the address was removed, it was up half an hour ago? (8:56 EST))

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June Foray Success - 2012年5月15日
Sent a letter 2 photos and SASE to: June Foray 22745 Erwin St. Woodland hills, CA 91367 Sent 5/3/12 Recieved 5/15/12 -

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June Foray Success! x4 - 2012年5月12日
Sent: 58 Days Ago Received: Today Address Used: Address Removed Soooo happy to get this!! -

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June Foray MEGA success - 2012年4月25日
Sent 25.02.2012 (LOR, SAE, 2$ and 2 picz) Received: 24.04.2012 Address: June Foray Address Removed USA my picz: - - her picz: - - - - BONUS: beautiful handwritten letter - env: - SHE IS AWESOME <img src= Thanks Mrs. Foray and Fanmail.biz <img src=

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June Foray success! - 2012年3月30日
I sent a LOR and a pic to June Foray (most known for voicing Granny in Looney Tunes) on March 17th and I received a reply today (March 30th). I am delighted with this success (one of my favourites!). I used this address: June Foray Address Removed USA Not only did she sign my picture, she also included her own AND she was even kind enough to pay the postage (as I dont know how to pay the postage from another country). Heres the pics! the envelope and the photo she sent: - http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/5772/juneforay2.jpg (the picture I sent her) Very happy with this one <img src= <img src= <img src=

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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