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June Forayの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

June Foray Success!! - 2011年12月28日
I just got a success from June Foray the voice of Granny from the Looney Tunes! AWESOME! I sent her a simple index card for my collection. Sent: 12/20/11 Recieved: 12/27/11 Very Fast Success!! Autograph: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/sany0023i.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/sany0022k.jpg/

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June Foray super fast TTM success! - 2011年11月4日
June Foray 22745 Erwin Street Woodland Hills, CA 91367 sent: 10-29-11 USA I sent Ms. Foray a LOR, a SASE and this 8X10 just 6 days ago and I already received it back today signed and personalized! What a great lady! This has to be the absolute fastest turnaround for an authentic signature for me. (I did get a Ann Margret in a email request in one day but was a preprint) God Bless you Ms. Foray! - sent: 10-29-11 rec: 11-4-11 Wow. Just noticed my chosen background color in the picture almost blends in with fanmail website. My apologies to my fellow color blind collectors.

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June Foray [Succeed] - 2011年10月4日
After the previous autograph succeed I had, with much thanks to Lucille Bliss. (Smurfette) I decided that June Foray was next in line, and realised that her birthday was near. So I wrote her a letter to wish her a happy birthday, along with lots of praises for her voice-over work and a picture for her to sign as well. Its been over 3 weeks since I sent the letter until now, that I have finally got her autograph on the picture. (Along with the first class stamp) Sent to June Foray: 9/9/2011 Received: 4/10/2011 Address: June Foray 22745 Erwin Street Woodland Hills, CA 91367 USA So here we are! - - Daniel Coffey

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June Foray (Granny in Looney Tunes) Fast Success! x2 + Q&A - 2011年8月30日
On the 19th of August I sent June a LOR, index card, questionnaire and a SASE to the address in the database. Today I received my index card signed, my questionnaire filled in and a signed photo! She voices Granny (Sylvester and Tweetys owner in Looney Tunes) and other characters. It took 11 days which, considering I live in the UK, is incredibly fast! So nice to her fans to still sign at nearly 94 years old!! The photos are below! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

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June Foray(LooneyTunesShow) Success - 2011年8月3日
Sent Ms. Foray LOR, SASE and a Granny picture from the new Looney Tunes Show on 7-26-11 to address in database. received back signed 8-03-11. June Foray 22745 Erwin Street Woodland Hills, CA 91367 USA -

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