Kaitlynの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):
Kaitlyn Dever and my fan letter - 2021年11月3日 hey I'm Oran I sent Kaitlyn a fan letter in June and I don't know if she got it. Could you go check to see if she got it and make sure she calls me I hope to hear from you soon
yours sincerely
Oran Mcnevin |
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Celeste Bonin "Kaitlyn" WWE Diva #3 Success - 2019年7月16日
Celeste Bonin "Kaitlyn" WWE Diva #3 Success
Kaitlyn signed 2 of 3 (8x10 Fotos) I sent her.
Kept (1) Foto but she sent her own signed foto which was even better.
All fotos were personalized.
Super fast turnaround, 10 Days.
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Celeste Bonin "Kaitlyn" WWE Diva Success - 2019年4月6日
Celeste Bonin "Kaitlyn" Success in 10 Days
Super cool Celeb, replied Super fast.
http://surfmypictures.com/image/a51d0f1657d8b01f/kjqyp.html |
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Kaitlyn wwe autographs - 2018年8月27日 Got 2 autographs from Kaitlyn yesterday she added some car stickers. 1.5 month wait not bad at all!! |
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Celeste Bonin success (Kaitlyn - WWE) - 2018年7月29日 Sent: 7.12.18
Received: 7.28.18
Celeste Bonin
Celestial Bodiez
432 S. Military Trail
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Signed my 8x10 and included 2 extra signed 8x10's of her own.
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