Kaneの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 12ページ):
Chelsea Kane Success:) - 2012年8月27日 Hey I got a success from Chelsea Kane
sent: 25th June,2012 (lor,sase,2photos)
received: 15th Aug,2012 (signed photo she sent,a file that kept the photo,my 2 pics unsigned)
So happy thanks Chelsea and fanmail
no envelope sorry |
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Chelsea Kane Success :) - 2012年8月21日 I sent an LOR and an SASE in a 9" x 12" envelope to Chelsea Kane on 7/09/2012.
The address I sent to was:
Chelsea Kane
901 N. Highland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
I received her response back on 8/11/2012. She sent back two pictures (one for me and one for my sister). We loved her on Jonas and now on Baby Daddy! They are authentic autographs. For proof, I included a picture of mine and my sister's autograph below as well as the return envelope. She did use our SASE.
Here are the picture:
My Chelsea Kane autographed picture
My sister's Chelsea Kane autographed picture
The return envelope
I hope this is super helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! |
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Tom Kane Success - 2012年8月15日 Sent: 2 cards, LOR, SASE to:
Tom Kane
CESD Talent Agency
10635 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 130/135
Los Angeles, CA 90025-8306
Address in database on 7/23/12
Received: 2 cards signed in SASE on 8/15/12 (23 days)
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Chelsea Kane Success! - 2012年8月12日 I sent to the Evolution Management address in the database.
Sent: February, 2012
Received: July, 2012 |  |
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Tom Kane - voice actor/Powerpuff Girls - success x 3 - 2012年7月22日 Awesome success from Tom Kane! He signed my Ultron printout, and sent two fantastic pics of his own!
On 6/19/12, sent LOR, pic, and SASE to:
Tom Kane
c/o CESD Talent Agency
10635 Santa Monica Blvd. #130
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Today, received 3 pics, all signed and personalized:
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