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Kaneの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 12ページ):

Harry Kane - Success (Tottenham Hotspur FC) - 2016年1月23日
Wrote to him at the Tottenham Hotspur FC address. Took 6 weeks Sorry no envelope.

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Adelaide Kane (REIGN) RTS - 2015年12月16日
I reveived a RTS from Adelaide Kane who plays Queen Mary in Reign on the CW. I used the adress in the database Adelaide Kane PMK*BNC 8687 Melrose Avenue 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA Anyone knows another address for her ??? Thank You Julie

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Patrick Kane: Chicago Blackhawks - 2015年11月21日
Sent LOR and self-addressed stamped envelope on January 18th, 2015. On November 21, 2015 I received three 8 x 10 autographed photos for my son Xander who is a huge Hawks fan. Address used : The United Center Please see below for link to photo and envelope : http://surfmypictures.com/image/1a3316a66a2c0af0/76fre.html

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Kane Hodder Success! - 2015年8月29日
Sent: November 2014 Received: August 29. 2015 Great he signed it for me! Was cool meeting him at the Weekend of Horrors 2014 in Germany. I couldn't get it signed IP because when I had to leave the photo wasn't printed yet. Thats why I sent it TTM. Oh and he really chokes ya!!

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Kane Hodder Success! - 2015年8月25日
Sent letter and pic and SASE a few months ago to: Kane Hodder Kane Hodder Official Fan Club 26500 W Agoura Rd. Suite 102 Calabasas, CA 91302 USA Received my picture back signed yesterday http://surfmypictures.com/photo/6ec21da1ad62bc34/6yf1o/11903971_1471480343155165_6236602822048473973_n.jpg

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Michael Palin Success!!!
Roger Penske Successfully
Gerrit W. Gong (Lds Church Apostle) Success!
Kevin Miller Nhl Success
Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Jessy Schram Vv Success
Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)



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