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Kansas City Royalsの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 12ページ):

Jonthan Sanchez (Kansas City Royals) success! - 2012年10月15日
On 7/10/12, I sent a card, letter, and SASE to the former SF Giants pitcher to: Jonathan Sanchez c/o Kansas City Royals 1 Royal Way Kansas City, MO 64129-6969 I didn't think I'd be getting this one back since the Royals traded him to the Rockies on 7/20, but on 10/13/12, I received my card back signed in black sharpie! It had a Denver, CO postmark from 10/9/12. Glad he took his fan mail with him! Sorry, no scan.

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Kansas City Royals Fan Pack Success - 2012年8月18日
Sent a request for a fan pack to the Kansas City Royals through email 8/15/12, recieved fan pack 8/18/12 1 2012 Pocket Schedule 1 Tattoo Information on Royals Kids Club Wish there was more, glad I got something Sent: 8/15/12 Recieved: 8/18/12 3 days Thanks to the Royals

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Danny Duffy Success (Kansas City Royals Pitcher) Success - 2012年6月27日
Sent : Lor sase ticket and card received: card and ticket signed in my sase addy used: Danny Duffy C/0 Kansas City Royals Kauffman Stadium 1 Royal Way Kansas City, MO 64129-6969 USA -

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TTM Success Ned Yost (Kansas City Royals Manager) - 2012年4月23日
I sent Ned Yost a 1983 Topps card, LOR, and SASE. Just got in back last Friday. Ned was a Catcher for the Brewers, Rangers, and Expos. He was the Brewers Manager from 2003 to 2008 and has been the Royals Manager since 2010. You can see a picture and full write up here at my blog : http://collectorscrack.blogspot.com/2012/04/ttm-success-ned-yost-royals-manager.html Date Sent 4/11/12 Date Returned 4/20/12 Address used Kauffman Stadium 1 Royal Way Kansas City, MO 64129 Great turn around time!

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Jeremy Jeffress - Kansas City Royals - Success - 2012年3月29日
Sent card and SASE to him on 2/16/12. Recd it back signed today. Mailed to: c/o KC Royals ST address -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Former Mlb Galen Cisco Success
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Former Mlb Oddibe Mcdowell Success
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Former Looney Tunes Voice Actor/commercial Producer Noel Blanc Success
2025年3月 7日



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