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Kansas City Royalsの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 12ページ):

Ned Yost (Kansas City Royals) Success!!! - 2012年2月18日
Sent: LOR Sase Reflector Sticker down the road to Ned Yost Kauffman Stadium 1 Royal Way Kansas City, MO 64129-6969 and 2 months later received my reflector sticker signed in my sase -

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Denny Matthews HOF 2007 SUCCESS (Kansas City Royals) - 2012年1月7日
Denny Matthews HOF 2007 http://ttmcentral.weebly.com/ [color=#FF0000:Autographs---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB_T3T9Bm5I Matthews, Denny Success (11 Days) c/o Kansas City Royals P.O. Box 419969 Kansas City, MO 64141 USA 2011/12/27 2012/01/07 >> 4/4 SIgned video

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Jokim soria (Kansas City Royals) - 2011年11月2日
[youtubeSnQeHJ8udpY[/youtube c/o royals

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Ned Yost Success (Kansas City Royals) - 2011年9月3日
On 8/3/11, I sent a LOR, SASE, 2 baseball cards, and an index card to Royals manager Ned Yost. On 8/18/11 I received both baseball cards back signed. The address for the Royals is: Kauffman Stadium 1 Royal Way Kansas City, MO 64129-6969

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Dave Morehead (Kansas City Royals) success - 2011年5月26日
Mailed to former Kansas City Royals pitcher Dave Morehead May 16, 2011 at 13872 Glenmere Drive / Santa Ana, CA 92705. Included 1969 baseball card & SASE. Rcv'd may 26, 2011 in my SASE (SASE had 22 MAY Santa Ana CA postmark) my signed baseball card.

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