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Kim Basingerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Kim Basinger Updated Address and Success! - 2021年9月24日
I wrote to Ms Basinger close to a year ago and got a response today! I sent a letter, photo, and SASE. Today, I got my photo back signed as well as a really cool bonus photo she signed as well. Very happy! Address Used: Kim Basinger Sky Fish Productions, Inc. 10960 Wilshire Blvd FL 5 Los Angeles, CA 90024-3708 Autographs: [youtubeNhgLr1Eb_dA[/youtube

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kim basinger failure no longer sign ttm - 2021年9月3日
i sent kim basinger 2 batman cards sase on 8-31-2021 rec back in my sase cards unsigned and note due to ebay sellers she no longer honoring autograph request on 9-3-21 kim basinger woodland hills cal 91364 no scan please respect her wishes remove her address

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Kim Basinger Success - 2021年5月31日
Sent: 23.07.2020 (1 photo + 1 card) Received: 31.05.2021 (1 card signed) Address : 4833 Don Juan Pl Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4705 USA Autograph + Envelope: [urlhttp://surfmypictures.com/image/1d9734b41782f46b/zedta.html

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Kim Basinger failure - 2021年2月28日
I used the address in the database and got the same feedback that everyone seem to receive now.

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Kim Basinger FAILURE - 2021年2月1日
Sent two photos but received back unsigned on Feb 1, 2021. Received letter from Sky Fish Productions Inc. stating Kim Bassinger is no longer signing because people sell on eBay. Really disappointing. http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/02tta.html

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