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Kim Basingerの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Kim Basinger SUCCES - 2020年8月11日
Send foto on 07/02/2020 Receved back 3 fotos signed today Adress used Kim Basinger 4833 Don Juan Pl Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4705 USA My Web Page

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Kim Basinger (ROMLB & AC) - 2020年7月20日
Kim Basinger 4833 Don Juan Pl Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4705 Sent 07/13/2020 Rec 07/20/2020 Signed & Personalized 1 ROMLB & 1 AC. http://surfmypictures.com/image/ef481ac4953b98c1/dm30p.html

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Kim Basinger Success (Kinda) - 2018年7月25日
Sent 4 photos on 5/24/18, did not sign photos but sent a pre signed note on 6/11/18. A letter from her secretary came with it explaining that Kim can't personally sign fan request because of her busy schedule. Address used: 4833 Don Juan Place Woodland Hills, CA 91367 I tried sending auto request to her daughter Ireland Baldwin but it's more than 3 months now and haven't received any reply yet. The address I used is: Innovative Artists L.A. 1505 10th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401-2805 Any success from you guys? Please share her address. Thank you.

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Kim Basinger preprint - 2015年11月15日
On 6.3.15 sent LOR, SASE, & photo. On 11.10.15 received my photo back unsigned and also received a pre printed 8x10. Address: Kim Basinger Radius Entertainment 9229 Sunset Blvd. Suite 301 West Hollywood, CA 90069 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Kim Basinger success - 2015年5月8日
Sent one letter with one picture in February 2015 in address from database Received my picture back signed and dedicated the 07/05/15 http://surfmypictures.com/image/d65a6ab ... 6tgz2.html

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