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Kim Novakの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 7ページ):

Kim Novak success - 2016年6月23日
Kim Novak success Sent : 13/02/15 Received : 23/06/16 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mrs.Kim Novak Kim Novak 13777 Agate Rd. Eagle Point, OR 97524 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/ef67eb4d11f21dbe/coi6l.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/ef67eb4d11f21dbe/coi6l/KIM1.jpg Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures http://surfmypictures.com/image/ef67eb4d11f21dbe/bq4cw.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/ef67eb4d11f21dbe/bq4cw/KIM.jpg Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Kim Novak Actress - 2016年6月18日
Marilyn Pauline Novak, professionally known as Kim Novak (born February 13, 1933), is a retired American film and television actress. She began her career in 1954 after signing with Columbia Pictures. There, she became a successful actress, starring in a string of movies, among them the critically acclaimed Picnic (1955). She later starred in such popular successes as The Man with the Golden Arm (1955) and Pal Joey (1957). However, she is perhaps best known today for her "dual role" as both Judy Barton and Madeleine Elster in Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller Vertigo (1958). Novak was popular in box office popularity polls, and she starred opposite several top leading men of the era, including James Stewart, William Holden, Frank Sinatra, Tyrone Power, and Kirk Douglas. Although still young, her career declined in the early 1960s, and after several years in a series of lackluster films, she withdrew from acting in 1966. She has only sporadically returned since. She later returned to the screen in The Mirror Crack'd (1980), and had a regular role on the prime time series Falcon Crest (1986–87). After a disappointing experience during the filming of Liebestraum (1991), she has permanently retired from acting, stating she has no desire to return. Sent 2 photos of her on 1 Aug 2015 and got both back signed on 18 Jun 2016. Ms Kim Novak 13777 Agate Rd. Eagle Point, OR 97524 The return envelope cancellation was stamped OR zip code 97501-1357 that was all I could read cause it was stamped over the stamps..

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Kim Novak NO LONGER SIGNS - 2016年5月31日
Twice - no reply (13777 Agate Rd - database address). Third time - RTS stamped "Accepting no more fan mail, sorry!". Sorry, no scans.

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Kim Novak Success - 2016年2月17日
Kim Novak Success Sent Date(3/14, 2014): Letter, 3 photos, International replay coupons, a self-address envelope About 2 years before… Received Date(2/17, 2016): 3 signed photos To Japan from USA. I don't remember her address….. This tried the 1st time. The second time of try(9/10, 2015) is RTS. viewtopic.php?t=385928 I'm very very happy! Please look follows. http://surfmypictures.com/image/f8319a4 ... i8uxz.html

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Kim Novak - success - 2016年1月20日
Address: Kim Novak 13777 Agate Road Eagle Point, OR 97524-6567 USA 07.07.2014 - 20.01.2016 2 photos personalized and signed Scans: Please <img src= my facebook page <img src= https://www.facebook.com/RaabigrammAutogramme

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