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Kim Novakの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 7ページ):

I sent a letter and 2 photos on Dec. 27th, 2014 and received both photos signed on Jan. 20th, 2016. The address I used was: KIM NOVAK 13777 AGATE ROAD EAGLE POINT, OR 97524

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Kim Novak success - 2016年1月11日
Looks sloppy but similar to other sigs I've seen, love to hear your thoughts Sent Ms. Novak sase, letter and pic on November 10th 2015 received signed pic back on Janrary 11 2016 Used address in database Kim Novak 13777 Agate Rd. Eagle Point, OR 97524

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Kim Novak, 2015 success - 2015年12月12日
OMG! I have been waiting since August 2014 for this letter to arrive and I am so happy. Sent an SASE to the Oregon adress. Sent: 6 Aug 2014 Received: 12 Dec 2015 COuldnt be more thrilled. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Kim Novak RTS - 2015年10月29日
Kim Novak : Return to sender I’m Japanese. This is second try to her. I sent a package to her on September 10, 2015. But that has returned just as it is today. She seems to be refusing a fan letter.(An envelope is unopened.) I think of this regrettably. Sent Date(09/10, 2015): Letter, a photo, International replay coupons, a self-address envelope Received Date(10/29, 2015): Stamp “Return to sender/Accepting No More Fan Mail - Sorry!” Sorry, I cannot upload an image. Please look follows.

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Kim Novak success - 2015年9月8日
Wrote in December 2014 a Christmas card and sent two photos to Miss Kim Novak. Today I got one photo signed back. She has chosen the photo of her from the 60th to sign. I didn't get back the other photograph showing her at the Oscars 2014. She was very kind and payed the amount for the stamps for me. She is a kind lady, a real film legend. I used the address in the database. Sent December 3rd 2014 Received September 8th 2015

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