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Leah Reminiの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 11ページ):

Leah Remini Success x2! - 2012年6月7日
I requested two autographs from Leah Reminis website (http://www.leahremini.com/home.html#/fan-club) about two weeks ago. I was charged $4 for each one. Today I received both autographs signed and personalized by Leah. You can also send pictures or items to Leah Reminis fan mail address and she will gladly sign for free. I was just too lazy to do that... Leah Remini Fan Mail Po Box 15669 North Hollywood, Ca 91615 USA Autograph 1: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/38/scan0013x.jpg/ Autograph 2: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/12/scan0014yl.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/29/stp60609.jpg/

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Leah Remini - 2012年3月5日
Send on 13/02/2012 LOR , SASE and 2 photos . On 5/03/2012 I recieved my photos signed <img src= <img src= Po Box 15669 North Hollywood, CA 91615 USA photo : http://www.imagebam.com/image/3fac9f178161292 (Partial Nudity)

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Leah Remini The Kings of Queen's Cast PP - 2012年3月1日
Hi. I paid $8 on Leah Reminis website (http://www.leahremini.com) on 2/15. On 3/1 it came in the mail. -

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Leah Remini succes !!!!! - 2012年3月1日
Hi. I paid $8 on Leah Reminis website (http://www.leahremini.com) on 2/15. On 3/1 it came in the mail. -

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Leah Remini Success - 2012年2月28日
Leah Remini Leah Remini Fan Club P.O. Box 15669 North Hollywood, CA 91615 USA Instead of paying the $4.00 on her official website, I decided to send a LOR and SASE to Leah Remini of [iThe King of Queens[/i and [iThe Talk[/i. It took exactly four weeks (1/31/2012 - 2/27/2012). She even personalized with "Happy Birthday" which was very sweet of her. Thank you, Ms. Remini! [iLike my official Facebook page, too![/i

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