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Leah Reminiの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 11ページ):

Leah Remini success - 2011年11月12日
Sent two photos and SASE on 10-26-2011 to: Leah Remini Leah Remini Fan Mail P.O. Box 15669 North Hollywood, CA 91615 Received back two photos signed in SASE on 11-12-2011 http://surfmypictures.com/image/72fde30 ... ygt5t.html

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Leah Remini Success! - 2011年10月14日
I mailed out the request on Sept. 2nd, and received a response on Oct. 10th. Sent: SASE with a letter and two 4x6 photos I prepared myself. I received back my envelope with only one of the photos I mailed. That, of course, is absolutely fine with me! I mailed the request to: Leah Remini Fan Mail Po Box 15669 North Hollywood, Ca 91615 USA For those unaware, you can go to her fan page http://www.leahremini.com and request a photo by paying or send her an envelope as I did. -

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Leah Remini Success!! - 2011年10月10日
Hi. I paid $4 on Leah Reminis website (http://www.leahremini.com) on 9/28. I got it as a surprise for my mom. On 10/8 it came in the mail. My mom absolutely loved it. Leahs autograph <img src= - the envelope -

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Leah Remini Success! - 2011年10月8日
I purchased this from her website for $4.00! (http://www.leahremini.com). <img src= " title="Check this out" /> Date Purchased: 9/29/11 Date Arrived: 10/08/11 She was great in King of Queens! <img src= Photo: -

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Leah Remini Success - 2011年9月4日
Remini, Leah Success (29 Days) 2011/08/05 2011/09/03 Po Box 15669 North Hollywood, CA 91615 USA >> 2/2 Photos Signed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWnWow-kryU video

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