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Maisie Williamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Maisie Williams (GoT) Success - 2013年4月29日
Special Thanks to fanmail.biz & Maisie ! <img src= Maisie Williams Louise Johnston Management Cheltenham Film Studios Hatherley Lane Cheltenham, GL51 6PN UK sent: 11.03.2013 - rcvd: 29.04.2013 - -

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Maisie Williams Game of Thrones SUCCESS - 2013年4月27日
Sent LOR< SASE and 10 x 8 photo to Games of Thrones star Maisie Williams who plays Arya Stark Sent on 05/04/13 to Louise Johnston Management Cheltenham Film Studios Arle Court Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 6PN UK Photo - Envelope -

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Maisie Williams (GOT) success ! - 2013年4月27日
Bonjour, Hello ! On January 18th, 2013 I sent a LOR, a SAE, one IRC and two photos to Maisie Williams who plays Arya Stark on “Game of Thrones” and I received them signed today, April 27th, 2013. I have all the Stark girls now <img src= <img src= I used this address : Louise Johnston Management Cheltenham Film Studios Hatherley Lane Cheltenham, GL51 6PN UK - - -

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Maisie Williams (GoT) 2nd Success! (Auth Help?) - 2013年4月25日
I sent a letter and index card and today got it back signed <img src= I believe it is authentic although the usual flick part at the end of Maisie isnt joined up but i believe that to be because of the pen stroke?? Comments welcome on this. Sent around 18th Feb Received 26th April Address used: Maisie Williams Louise Johnston Management Cheltenham Film Studios Hatherley Lane Cheltenham, GL51 6PN UK - -

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Maisie Williams - 2013年2月1日
Sent her two pics to sign which she did. c/o Louise Johnston Management Cheltenham Film Studios Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham Glos GL51 6PN United Kingdom 07.11.2012 - 28.01.2013 -

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