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Maisie Williamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) Success - 2012年12月11日
Sent: Oct 09 - LOR, SAE, 3 IRCs, 2 A4 photos Received: Dec 11 - 2 signed and personalized photos in my SAE The photos are the same (the second is for my friend), so I scanned only one of them. - -

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Maisie Williams game of thrones - 2012年10月23日
sent letter photo money for postage april 2012 rec oct 22 2012 address in database -

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Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) - Success x2 - 2012年9月22日
Hi, I sent: LOR, SAE, IRC, 2 photos - 25.06. 2012 And received: 2 signed and dedicated photos in my SAE! - 20.09. 2012 I used the "Game of Thrones" address in the database! Photos: - - Envelope: - Thanks to Maisie and fanmail.biz! <img src=

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Maisie Williams Success! - 2012年9月1日
I love this success, I really wasnt expecting it back as I hadnt seen any success as far as I know from the GOT address, really nice and a very talented actress <img src= Its a bit bizarre as I received Maisies and John Hurts autographs the same day (29/08/12) and sent their requests the same day! Lastly the envelope is stamped from Bath and Taunton so it appears that fanmail is perhaps forwarded or something. Sent 13th July Received 29th August Address used: Game of Thrones Season 3 Linen Mill Studios 245 Castlewellan Road Banbridge, BT32 3SG Northern Ireland UK - -

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