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Michael Weatherlyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Michael Weatherly Success - 2013年8月18日
Wrote a letter to Michael Weatherly last July and 2 weeks or so later. I have received an autograph pic of him. The address I use was. "NCIS" Valencia Studios 26030 avenue hall. Box 4 Valencia CA 91355 http://surfmypictures.com/image/784780f ... jgimw.html

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MIchael Weatherly (NCIS) - 2012年9月21日
Sent a letter, photo, and SASE on July 25, 2012. Received a preprinted photo back in my SASE on September 21, 2012. My photo wasnt returned. Id be lying if I said I wasnt a bit disappointed. Ah well. Address Used: "NCIS" Valencia Studios 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 - -

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Michael Weatherly (NCIS-Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo) - 2012年3月19日
Date Sent: January 18th, 2012 Date Received: March 19th, 2012 Sent LOR and SAE to: Michael Weatherly c/o NCIS 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 USA Received 5x7 colour Studio Fan Mail pre-print. Dissapointed as its a pre-print, but a least its something. Thank you very much Michael. Here is a link to the photo: -

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Michael Weatherly - 2012年3月14日
Today received Michael Weatherlys PP photo. Sent: January Received: 14.03.2012 Photo: - Envelope: - Address: Michael Weatherly "NCIS" Valencia Studios 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 USA

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Michael Weatherly success - 2012年1月24日
Sent out a SSAE on Oct the 6th and today i got my photos unsigned back but it was another signed photo in the envelope. I´m not sure if it is a original or printed. but no autopen! Think it is printed! For me it doesen´t matter I´m happy with the photo!! used this address: Michael Weatherly NCIS" Valencia Studios 28343 Avenue Crocker Bldg 1 Valencia, CA 91355 USA http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 1412_n.jpg

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