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Michael Weatherlyの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Michael Weatherly Success, kinda - 2011年11月6日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and a photo on April 18th, 2011. Got a reply mid or early September, 2011 Addressed to his Via Venue address. Michael Weatherly "NCIS" Valencia Studios 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 It was a PP, a little bigger than 4x6. Hoped for a real signature but I knew it was unlikely, still cool anyway

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Michael Weatherly Success from SFM - 2011年5月23日
Hi <img src= I wasnt sure where to put this success, so I put it in Feedback and in Studio Fan Mail This is my 2nd SFM success, but it was really weird because I never sent an email to SFM requesting Michaels autograph. I wrote to him using the NCIS fan mail address TTM but today it arrived in the SFM envelope. Its a PP/autopen, obviously, and I already have an authentic from him, but its still pretty cool to have! <img src= pictures: photo - http://oi53.tinypic.com/2z6atjb.jpg envelope: http://oi52.tinypic.com/1j5g5z.jpg thanks, SFM! <img src=

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Michael Weatherly NCIS Success - 2011年5月4日
This morning, I was so happy to get my autograph from Michael Weatherly !! Such a beautiful gift for my birthday <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= Address used : Michael Weatherly NCIS 28343 Avenue Crocker, Bldg 1 Valencia, CA 91355 Sent : 03-23-2011 : LOR Received : 05-04-2011 : an autographed & personalized photo You can see the photo here : http://officiel-stephy.skyrock.com/2998 ... promo.html And the enveloppe : -

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