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Mike Farrellの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Mike Farrell success - 2021年9月5日
Hello; I wrote to Mr. Farrell on 02.12.2020... I got an answer on 28.08.21. I used the Farrell Minoff Productions, 15419 Valley Vista Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-3813 USA address, but on my return envelop was the Mike Farrell M.J. & E. Productions 11333 Moorpark St Suite 509 Studio City, CA 91602, USA as sender address. http://surfmypictures.com/image/2bb877d1dfd7aac2/yqz0v.html

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Mike Farrell & Shelley Fabares Actors - 2020年8月3日
Michael Joseph Farrell Jr. (born February 6, 1939) is an American actor, best known for his role as Captain B.J. Hunnicutt on the television series M*A*S*H (1975–83). He is also an activist and public speaker for various political causes. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 1957 to 1959. After being discharged, he worked at various jobs before his acting career. On December 31, 1984, he married actress Shelley Fabares. Michele Ann Marie "Shelley" Fabares (/fæˈbreɪ/; born January 19, 1944) is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her roles as Donna Reed's daughter Mary Stone on The Donna Reed Show (1958–63) and as Hayden Fox's love interest (and eventual wife) Christine Armstrong on the sitcom Coach (1989–97). She was Elvis Presley's co-star in three films. In 1962, her recording of "Johnny Angel" reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Sent them each a photo to sign on 17 Jul and got them back signed on 3 Aug [youtubeOnEmeOUmjVk[/youtube [youtubeXvqyY3muiW8[/youtube Mr Mike Farrell and Ms Shelley Fabares 4075 Troost Ave Studio City, CA 91604

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Mike Farrell - Success! - 2018年11月4日
Mike Farrell M.J. & E. Productions 11333 Moorpark St Suite 509 Studio City, CA 91602 Sent LOR, SASE & two 4X6’s Sent: 10/12/18 Rec’d: 11/2/2018 No return address on envelope. Personalize and signed both photos. Included a private note on his letterhead (I kept the contents on the note private.)

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Mike Farrell RTS - 2018年10月11日
Mike Farrell 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd 1181 Studio City, CA 91604 Return to sender - unable to forward Will retry with: Mike Farrell M.J. & E. Productions 11333 Moorpark St Suite 509 Studio City, CA 91602

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Mike Farrell success - 2015年6月28日
Sent lor, 4x6 photo, sase to Mr Farrell on 6/16/15 and received today, 6/27/15 personalized. Mike Farrell M. J. E. Productions 11333 Moorpark St Ste. 509 Studio City, CA 91602 Unable to scan

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