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Mike Farrellの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Mike Farrell Success - 2014年5月28日
Sent LOR only on 4/25/14 and received photo today. Thanks Mr. Farrell! Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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MIKE FARRELL 4077 *MASH* - 2014年4月24日
I sent a letter, SASE and 2 photos on April 15th and received both photos personalized on April 24th. Are the sigs good? The address I used was: MIKE FARRELL M. J. & E. PRODUCTIONS 11333 MOORPARK STREET SUITE 509 STUDIO CITY, CA 91602 - - -

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Mike Farrell 2x Sucess - 2011年5月5日
Sucess num. 1: I was sending request to email http://www.mikefarrell.org/ of at early March to Mr. Farell, but somebody from his people answered me so Mr.Farrell is at cruise (notice: Progressive Voices Cruise) <img src= . I wait and after month and half write Mr.Farell repeat :-). Mike write so autograph is on way, 14th April autograph came.... <img src= Autograph: - Envelope: - Success num. 2:* ... and 28th April come second autograph :-D Certainly, when i was first mailed, Mr.Farrell after trip on cruise send first autograph and when i was sent email second, Mr. Farrell second autograph :-) Autograph 2: - Envelope 2: - *Maybe I can exchange <img src=

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