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Mo Farahの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Usain Bolt and Mo Farah awesome success!! - 2013年8月16日
Sent LOR, SAE and IRC to the address in the database and received two signed photos today <img src= Sent: 12 July 2013 Received: 16 August 2013 Photo: - - Really really happy with this success as Im in an athletics team myself and the two of them are totally my idols <img src=

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Usain Bolt & Mo Farah VERY FAST SUCCESS !!! - 2013年7月12日
Sent : 3 Days Ago : LOR, SASE Received : Today : Two Hand Signed Pics Of Mo Farah And Two Of Usain Bolt Sent To PACE Management Address! Very, Very Quick! Class : Sent 1st Class There And Back From [uk<!-- s[uk --> To  <!-- s[uk --><img src=

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Mo Farah Very Quick Success! - 2013年6月27日
Great Success! Sent To Agency On 24/6/13 Recieved In SASE On 27/6/13 Very, Very Quick Definite Genuine As Can See Pen Strokes And When You Hold It Up It Shines And Has A Tint And The Postcard Doesnt Link: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/qa5e.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/qa5e.jpg I Like In Uk So Uk To Uk

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Mo Farah Quick Success - 2013年3月9日
Basically I sent Mo Farah a letter on 09/02/13 and I recieved a personalised autograph on the 20/02/13, which happened to be my 18th birthday!! It was amazing. Here is a picture -

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Mo Farah - Olympic Champion. Success ! - 2013年1月4日
I wrote to Mo Farah on 25th September 2012 enclosing a photo and SASE to the following address : C/o Pace Sports Management 6 The Causeway, Teddington, Middlesex. TW11 0HE. I received the photo back signed a short time before Christmas in December 2012. Many thanks Mo. - <img src= <img src= <img src=

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