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Mo Farahの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Mo Farah authentic email success! - 2012年12月17日
Earlier on this month I sent an email to Mo at MoFarah.com expressing my admiration to the amazing Olympian and requesting a signed photograph from him. On the 13/12/12 I received the photograph signed as asked. Views on whether the autograph is authentic a more than welcome though I am more than convinced that this is authentic as you can see the shine of the pen compared to the photo paper and the way the pen looks as it it overlapped/folded on the paper. Photos can be found on my Facebook page: #

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Mo Farah Personalised Success - 2012年12月8日
sent lor, sase and 1 photo on 15th november 2012 received my photo back personalised in my sase on 8th december 2012 request took 23 days sent request c/o pace sports management photo: http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =170822659 envelope: -

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Mo Farah (Olympian Team GB) success - 2012年12月6日
Sent: 1st December what: an Email to MoFarah.com confirmation: December 3rd that an auto was on its way. recieved ecember 6th what:A signed dedicated 6x4 photo who stats of Mo on the back (his medal records ect) time took 6 days pics: -

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Mo Farah Success!! - 2012年11月16日
Sent message via website http://www.mofarah.com/ 24-10-12 Recieved email back 13-11-12 saying that he would send out a autograph card soon Recieved autograph card 16-11-12 Great success from my hero and inspiration Envelope and Autograph Card - THANKS FOR VIEWING Comments are Welcome Samuel <img src= [uk<!-- s[uk --></td><tr><td style=

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Mo Farah (Team GB double Olympic champion) Great Success - 2012年11月7日
Sent: 22 th July 2012, LOR + SAE Received: 7 Nov. 2012, 1 photo signed Address used: Mo Farah Nike Oregon Project Group Nike World Headquarters 1 Bowerman Drive Beaverton, OR 97005 USA Photo:

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