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New York Yankeesの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 16ページ):

Andy Pettitte success (New York Yankees) - 2012年10月20日
Sent a card to Andy Pettitte on Aug. 19 to the Yankees address and received it back signed on Oct. 15. Here is a link to a scan. http://voices.yahoo.com/new-york-yankee ... tml?cat=14

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Andy Pettitte (New York Yankees) success! - 2012年10月19日
On 6/13/12, I sent a card, letter, and SASE to the Yankees pitcher at Andy Pettitte c/o New York Yankees 1 East 161st Street Bronx, NY 10451 On 10/18/12, I received my card signed in black sharpie. Awesome success from one of the greatest postseason pitchers in history! Sorry, no scan.

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David Phelps [New York Yankees] success - 2012年9月6日
Hi! Sent a letter, 4x6 photo & sase to Yankees starter David Phelps at the stadium address: c/o New York Yankees Yankee Stadium 1 East 161st St. Bronx, NY 10451 Sent: 7/30/12 Received: 8/4/12 (took only 6 days in return) He is having a good rookie year so far, and there have been talks that he might go to the starting rotation next year. Picture and Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19 ... 0003t.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/68 ... 006oe.jpg/

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David Phelps (New York Yankees RP) Success - 2012年8月6日
Sent Mr. Phelps a LOR, SASE and 2 4x6s on 7/20/12 to him at the Yankee Stadium address (161st & River St. Bronx, NY 10453) and got both back signed today, 8/6/12. I had sent him a card when he was in the minors earlier that month, but as soon as he was called up, I got this out to him. -

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Chad Qualls (just traded New York Yankees RP) Success - 2012年8月6日
I sent Mr. Qualls a LOR, SASE and 2 4x6s on 7/16/12 to him c/o NY Yankees at 161st & River St. Bronx, NY 10453 and received one 4x6 signed today 8/6/12. He was traded last week to the Pirates, so if you want to get his auto send it to the Pirates address in the db. It is a cool looking signature. Got it a week after the trade. It was postmarked from NYC - maybe it was the last thing he did before he left town. -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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