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New York Yankeesの直筆サイン入り写真 (16 / 16ページ):

Hector Noesi-New York Yankees top pitching prospect success - 2011年6月13日
Hi. I sent a letter of request, SASE and 2 4x6 photos to pitcher Hector Noesi using this address: c/o NY Yankees Yankee Stadium One East 161st St. Bronx, NY 10451 Sent: 6/4/11 Received: 6/13/11 Today, I received both of the photos back signed. He also added his jersey number 45 on each photo. Noesi is ranked #7 best prospect in the Yankees system. Sorry, no scanner.

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Curtis Granderson New York Yankees Spring Training Success - 2011年5月3日
Date Sent- ? (Sorry It was sometime during Spring Training) Date Received- 5/3/11 Address Used- Curtis Granderson c/o New York Yankees George M Steinbrenner Field 1 Steinbrenner Drive Tampa, FL 33614 Postmarked from- New York, NY Got a really nice success from Spring Training today! Mr. Curtis Granderson. It was posted marked from NY though, so I believed it was forwarded to his box at Yankee Stadium. He didn't sign my card but he sent me one of his own signed! Thanks Curtis! Here's the envelope and card- And a closeup of the card-

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Curtis Granderson Success!! (New York Yankees) - 2011年5月3日
Today i opend my mailbox and was supperized to find an envelope with the Yankees springtraining return address on it which i sent out to Curtis granderson this spring i got my card back un signed but he sent me a card of his own signed in blue sharpie marker. Im not a big Yankees fan but i do like Granderson. address used: Curtis granderson c/o the New York Yankees 1 Steinbrenner drive Tampa, FL 33765

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Derek Jeter Success (New York Yankees) - 2009年8月1日
I sent a letter and baseball to be signed to New York Yankees Yankee Stadium 1 East 161st Street Bronx, NY 10451 USA recieved it today which was a month later signed.heres th pic

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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