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Nicole Gale Andersonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Nicole Gale Anderson (JONAS and MIOBI) Success!!!! - 2012年9月21日
I sent an LOR and SASE to Nicole Anderson on 6/09/2012. The address I sent to: Nicole Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023-1624 I received her response back on 9/20/2012. She sent two personalized, autographed picture. On my picture it says "Elizabeth, Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I truly enjoyed reading your letter." On my sisters picture (I blurred out my sisters name because she asked), It says "(Insert Name Here), Thank you for supporting me. I am thrilled to hear that youve enjoyed my work. Your sweet letter meant a lot!" and her signature is underneath it. It took a lot longer than I expected, but I am glad we finally heard back from her. I honestly cannot wait to see what else she accomplishes! Thank you, Nicole! Here are the picture: My Picture from Nicole with the Envelope - My Sisters Picture from Nicole (I edited the picture; read reason above) - I hope this is super helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

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Nicole Gale Anderson Success!!! - 2012年7月15日
I sent: 21.3. 2012 SASE, IRC Back: 14.6. 2012 1 signed photo Address: Nicole Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023-1624 USA Photo -

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Nicole Gale Anderson success!!! - 2012年6月18日
On 03/23/2012 I sent to Nicole LOR, Q&A and picture and today, 06/18/2012 I received my picture signed and personalised, Q&A answered and she also sent her own picture! She's amazing Address used: Nicole Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92 023-1624 USA My picture Her picture Q&A Envelope

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Nicole Gale Anderson Success ! - 2012年3月30日
Sent ; 2/4/12 Recieved ; 3/5/12 Sent A Letter To Nicole On February 4th & On March 5th I Recieved A Personalized Picture ! <img src= <img src= Sent To Address In The Database ! Nicole Gale Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023-1624 USA Picture ; - Envelope ; -

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Nicole Gale Anderson x5 - 2012年3月30日
This is a Great success! This is my second time getting things from her. She sent me a "Happy Birthday" Autograph about 2 years ago : ) This time, She signed my 2 photos, Did my Q&A and then also sent her own! Shes Fantastic! <img src= Sent: Feb 29,2012 Recieved: 3.30.2012 Address: Nicole Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023-1624 USA Envelope: Cant upload Photos: http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =152513398 http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =152513397 http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =152513396 http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =152513395 http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =152513394

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