Nina Youngの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):
Nina Young (Harry Potter) - 2015年12月31日 She played The Grey Lady in Harry Potter.
Sent: 20.8.2015: letter, photo and SASE
Received: 27.12.2015: my photo back signed in my SASE
Nina Young
Qtalent Ltd.
2nd Floor
161 Drury Lane
Covent Garden
London, WC2B 5PN
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Nina Young (Harry Potter) Success - 2014年1月4日 Ms. Young played the Grey Lady in the Harry Potter films.
Sent: 8/7/13 (SAE, 4x6, Index card)
Received: 12/12/13 (4x6 & Index card signed)
Index Card:
I used the address in the database.
Nina Young
Qtalent Ltd.
3rd Floor
161 Drury Lane
Covent Garden
London, WC2B 5PN
Sorry, no envelope. |
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Nina Young (My 7th HP) WONDERFUL SUCCESS x3 - 2012年11月13日 Sent: on 31 August 2012 I sent LOR, self-addressed envelope and 2 photos
Received: 13 Nevember 2012 my 2 signed photos IN HER ENVELOPE and SHE COVERED COST RESPONSE.One photos she sign 2 times so it is SUCCESS x 3. It is so nice from her side.
Ussed address :
Nina Young
Qtalent Ltd.
3rd Floor
161 Drury Lane
Covent Garden
London, WC2B 5PN
From HP I have SUCCESS from:
Matthew Lewis
Shirley Henderson
John Cleese
Zoë Wanamaker
Maggie Smith
Emma Thompson
and now from Nina Young
All coments are welcome |  |
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Nina Young?HarryPotter?Success - 2012年10月19日 Nina Young
Qtalent Ltd.
3rd Floor
161 Drury Lane
Covent Garden
London, WC2B 5PN
Sent?Aphoto LOR and SASE
Receive?My photo in my SASE
- |  |
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Nina Young (HP's "The Grey Lady") SUCCESS! - 2012年10月10日 On 6/30/12, I wrote Nina Young (HP's "the Grey Lady") with a TTM autograph request, sending SAE, 3x5 card for signing, and $2 USD for currency exchange and return postage. Got her reply today, 10/1012, with my 3x5 card signed "Nina Young." Address used has changed and is no longer valid. Her new address is in the database. |
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