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Oklahoma City Thunderの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Oklahoma City Thunder Fanpack Success - 2013年9月7日
I emailed team requesting a fan pack and got one a week later, 1 playoff program 1 serge ibaka large card 2 mascot tattoos 1 wristband 1 pen 1 mascot patch

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Oklahoma City Thunder Fan Pack Success!!! - 2013年7月26日
Today, I received a fan pack that I requested via email. I sent the email on July 24 and received it July 26. It included: 1 small poster of KD 1 program from a Hornets game 1 OKC pen 2 Rumble temporary tatoos 2 stickers Sorry no scanner. [color=#4040BFGo Thunder![/color

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Oklahoma City Thunder Fan pack - 2013年4月4日
Hi all, I emailed OKC Thunder through their website on March 20th 2013 and on March 28th I got the fan pack. Jaime -

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Oklahoma City Thunder Fan Pack Success! - 2013年1月20日
Sent an email requesting a fan pack to fans at thunder-nba.com on January 15, 2013. Received a fan pack on January 19. Days waited: 4 (A quick success!!), and they even paid $1.81 to get it to me! The fan pack included: a letter, a program from the December 7, 2012 Lakers vs. Thunder game, a temporary tattoo, an iron on patch, an OKC pen, an OKC rubber bracelet, and a 2012-2013 pocket schedule. Fan pack: -

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Rumble - Oklahoma City Thunder Mascot Success - 2013年1月12日
I have a collection of mascot autographs from all various sports and today I received one from the Oklahoma City Thunder mascot Rumble. All I did was send an email to them and ask if I could get an autograph from Rumble, included my mailing address, and I received this in the mail. The website address is http://www.nba.com/thunder/contact.html Sent email - 1/1/13 Received - 1/11/13 - -

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