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Oklahoma City Thunderの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Mark Bryant(Oklahoma City Thunder) success - 2012年3月10日
I forget when I sent a card, letter and SASE to Mark Bryant. He was a former power forward in the NBA who was drafted by the Portland Trailblazers and played for nine other teams. He is now an assistant coach with the Oklahoma City Thunder, so I sent it to their address in the database. I actually received two autographed cards in the mail, neither of which are the ones I sent to him. Glad to have this success. -

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Scott Brooks (Oklahoma City Thunder) Success - 2012年2月25日
On 1-30-12, I sent a LOR, SASE, and basketball card to OKC Thunder coach, Scott Brooks, at : Scott Brooks C/O Oklahoma City Thunder Two Leadership Square 211 North Robinson Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102-7109 On 2-16-12, I received a different card than I mailed him signed.

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Scott Brooks (Oklahoma City Thunder coach) success! - 2011年6月24日
i sent a request to NBA team OKC Thunders head coach Scott Brooks. sent on May 30, 2011. returned June 25, 2011. returned in Thunder envelope too http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a107/ ... 240067.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a107/ ... 240068.jpg signed index card and trading card http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a107/ ... 240069.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a107/ ... 240072.jpg address used: Oklahoma City Thunder Two Leadership Square 211 N. Robinson Ave, suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102

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